Detox Your Business for the New Year

As the new year is upon us once again, business owners around the country may be thinking of ways to ‘spruce up’ their companies ready for the months ahead. And what better way to start your year afresh than in a clean, tidy and fresh working environment with a lower carbon footprint. There are various things you and your company can do to get involved in your business detox, so here are some great ideas to get you started:


The first step to take is to clear all unwanted items and rubbish that may be cluttering up your working space. Whether this be old cardboard boxes, unwanted, broken furniture or outdated electronics, there are relevant recycling systems which allow you to get rid of all types of rubbish correctly and in an environmentally-friendly manner. Without clutter, you can create more space and encourage a fresh mindset from your workers for the new year.

Recycle, recycle, recycle

As mentioned above, there is a type of recycling to suit almost any material, so there is no excuse for all rubbish being thrown away together. Implement a good recycling system in your office, with separate bins for recyclables and for general waste. For larger offices, there is the option of taking out a corporate waste management contract; something that we here at Brown Recycling are proud to provide.

Improve your paper recycling

With more and more businesses, banking systems and insurance companies creating a large turnover of forms and other paper items each month, it is important for companies to have an efficient yet environmentally-friendly way of disposing of this. By supplying your office with internal paper recycling bins, you can cut down the amount of paper in your office, which will create not only strong environmental benefits, but the space created in your office filing cabinets will be astounding. At Brown Recycling, we provide internal office paper recycling bins lined with our own paper recycling bags, provided in rolls of 50 bags at a time. We are proud to have a recycling rate of 100% for paper items, so choose us for your company’s paper recycling system.

Save energy

This year, be conscious of how much energy you as a company are using – and, potentially, wasting. By being alert to your energy usage, you are not only showing your environmental awareness as a business, but you could well be saving yourself a lot of money on bills at your premises. Be conscientious when switching on and off lights and other electrical sources, being careful not to simply leave things on standby. As well as this, consider opting for solar energy – if this would work given the location of your company’s premises.

Another consideration to make that could help ‘detox’ your business is that of introducing a car share scheme to your workplace. The environmental benefits of reducing your workers’ carbon footprint are only surpassed by their lower travel costs getting to and from work; something that is bound to boost their morale.

Spruce up your surroundings

Does your office feel drab, dull and outdated? You’d be surprised what a simple lick of fresh paint and a few potted plants around the place can do. Consider simple and cheap decorating tools and materials, and consider devoting a day at your office to sprucing the place up.  Research shows that these kinds of team building experiences will boost morale in your team, as well as getting the job done quickly and at a lower cost than outsourcing decorators as people are willing to work particularly hard when they will experience the benefits first hand. Let your staff come to work in scruffy clothes that they can get dirty and get everyone on board.


At Brown Recycling, we work to improve recycling systems in businesses around the country, improving the environmental impact of offices without disrupting the working environment as well as helping decluttering efforts by providing efficient commercial waste management services. For more information about any of our services, contact our friendly team today – we’re happy to help with any enquiry.


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